what is wrong with this discussion?
First post and such a question?
Welcome to VLJ. And you are?what is wrong with this discussion?
Dmitry, that Star never gets old! Wish I could give it two likes!
No "painting, no nailings in nose, ears or elswhere"... No "funny wear, no etc... no funny goose-tail or other funny hairdress etc..." but good money anyway...Compassion and understanding of you, Pilot. I'm with you in this boat
For me all my jackets also the clothes of the day off ...damn, my company will never allow nobody of us to fly not in A2 or G1 but even in any other jacket ...only for FFS training sessions sometimes when we are all wearing jeans.
And you are?what is wrong with this discussion?
Thats a killer (worse than nitrogl..!.)..Hope the flight attendants are ugly ...Eastman Star Sportswear
Thats a killer (worse than nitrogl..!.)..Hope the flight attendants are ugly ...
ha ha...Don't worry there are none (even ugly ones) I'm on cargo plane we have no flight attendants (no one will bring coffee and lunchbox, must do everything yourself) . Seriously, I remember my work on passengers lines like a nightmar .
and NASA approved e-static flip-flops
Flip-flops? Careful about admitting that around here.....
I'm going to sell the Martin line..if you're interested..я ищу новые куртки в этом сезоне у вас есть предложения?