Respectfully, this is a silly statement; particularly coming from the rep of a RMC competitor. Please share your empirical data demonstrating that "[m]any people rate McCoy's highly without ever having seen one in person." Everyone I know who exalts RMC does so based on firsthand experience with their products. Moreover, your contrary suggestion, without the slightest bit of supporting evidence, diminishes your and BK's credibility.PLATON said:Many people rate McCoy's highly without ever having seen one in person.
I own two RMC leather jackets, and I have seen others in person. Thus, I can say with firsthand knowledge that RMC's quality is outstanding. Note, I did not say RMC's quality is better than GW, ELC or BK. Rather, RMC is outstanding in and of itself, without detracting from the quality of other manufacturers.
You are doing a disservice to BK when you make unsubstantiated statements about competitors.
Respectfully, this is yet another silly statement. Please share your empirical data demonstrating that RMC's reputation is derived from the cost of its products, rather than the quality of its products. I know several people who consider RMC's products to be outstanding and among the best available -- not one of these people formed that opinion based on the cost of the product. Rather, they formed that opinion based on the quality of RMC's products. Likewise, other RMC competitors -- e.g., GW and Himel -- have tremendous respect for RMC (GW even reps RMC's products).PLATON said:McCoy's have built a reputation but just because they 're the most expensive.
Again, your unsubstantiated ad hominem assertions diminish your and BK's credibility.
Respectfully, yet another silly statement. I am sure there are many Americans who bought from RMC and think they got a better jacket than a GW or ELC. That proves exactly nothing.PLATON said:I am sure also that there are Japanese people who have bought from GW, ELC and others and think that they got a better jacket than McCoy's.
For reasons that are unclear, BK plainly has palpable animosity for RMC. This is not the first time BK has targeted RMC in its internet forum posts. Why is it so hard for BK to concede that BOTH RMC and BK make stellar products, and both companies built their respective reputations based on quality rather than pricing. As I have told Andy several times, BK would be viewed more favorably if it ceased the foregoing silly/pejorative comments. You don't see GW stating that its competitors built their reputations based on pricing, or beating the table that GW jackets are superior to others. To the contrary, JC understands that he has not cornered the market on quality, and he has a healthy respect for those who make quality jackets, even if they are his competitors. Ironically, JC's respectful approach is one of the reasons for his immense success. Rather than beating his chest and/or disparaging his competitors, JC allows his products to speak for themselves; and JC's products speak loudly, without being diluted by unnecessary rhetoric.