That's some good chit man!its a very convincing and well done replica. its made exactly like the originals in that its silk sewn to a cotton linen backing and silkscreened properly. the aging I think is coffee or tea. they even went so far as to use a period vintage number stamp to replicate the number of the chit. its based on one of those from the second printing issued by the Nationalist Chinese Government’s Commission for Aeronautical Affairs in anticipation of a Second American Volunteer Group (SAVG - Second AVG) . After that Washington made them in the tens of thousands and there is a "W" with the series number. those you can actually find originals available from time to time but the limited "official" Chinese made
are rare and don't come available often. then there are the theater made versions by citizens of the area and they made them out of all kinds of materials including leather... sometimes those come available .. all pricey of course! lol!
My 5th patch and the CBI patch are authentic originals... it all displays well and being I paid big bucks for reproduction A-2s, repro parachute harness, repro1942 service boots and a repro B-3 Mae West I don't mind that I have a nicely made repro blood chit.
Its silk sown to a cotton backing. You can see the stitch holes from where the chit was stitched onto or inside of a flight jacket.
yes, it wasn't until I had the jacket in hand that I could tell it was the original and not a replacement. so very happy about that. there is minor tearing around the collar area and a few worn holes where the clasp rivets are.. typical. but lucky no major degradation. I don't think this jacket saw much use.. being hot in the South Pacific area it probably wasn't worn too often... not like those in the ETO anyway.
exactly.. no collar stand. which I prefer. helps the collar to lay down and relax a bit better in my opinion. I guess for dress up spit and shine and be representable you want that sharp stand up look but for mission worn appeal its like the crusher.. you want some sag and droop. lol!
here's some closeups of my counterfeit Blood Chit... lol! (upon my death and its way to another collector, it will be revealed to be an authentic and rare piece worth thousands of course LOL!)
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I apologize ausreenactor for the posting of my jacket in the wrong thread and causing confusion. I have no idea how I posted it in that area, I have been such a chit head lately! I need to stop smoking that bad chit!Next level chit!
Yes Dave......... Looks to me like the entire thread has turned to chit!!Well Burt, you started with good intentions ....Fair play for trying but as the saying goes “no good deed goes unpunished” ...
that is BEAUTIFUL! such amazing shape!i decided to show my star here instead of other star thread. its all original, with the 96th patch sewn over where another patch was. its tagged a 40, but fits as a war time size 42. as a size reference, i included a coupla pix of my elc star [size 42] for comparison. now that i have dug out out my old friend, i may just sell the elc and go back to wearing the original. enjoy.
Holy cow that's nice!!! I guess you won't be selling this one... ?!?i decided to show my star here instead of other star thread. its all original, with the 96th patch sewn over where another patch was. its tagged a 40, but fits as a war time size 42. as a size reference, i included a coupla pix of my elc star [size 42] for comparison. now that i have dug out out my old friend, i may just sell the elc and go back to wearing the original. enjoy.