What size are .. I’m a 40
Your last jacket purchase (Possibly? Probably?) , well done!
It sounds like you're very much like me Mayday, you've had a blast on the journey that this hobby has given us but you've reached that point where you have all you need and now want for nothing more. I'm feeling very much the same way.
I've had a ton of fun with jackets (and blown a shitload of money on the things too) but I've realised that for me the itch has been scratched and for whatever reason, the desire to chase after jackets now has left me.
I like what I have and will wear them but that urge that I've had for years of yearning for another particular type of jacket or thinking I need something else has completely disappeared.
Which G-1? London weather is almost making it possible in the evenings…Been planning to post a couple of jackets F\S, but just have not had time... And it's been months now!
In the meantime Ive somehow collected ANOTHER G-1! Thankfully it fits well.