Well-Known Member
It's about vintage arms.
Completely understandable Steve. I thought this might be a fun way to share some curios and relics from our collections. However, if this thread poses potential risk to any of our members, I will be the first person on board to recommend it being deleted. Being from the states, I sometime forget that even somewhat antiquated weapons are restricted in the UK, Canada, etc.
Must be doing something rightAfter reading this thread, I wonder if Norway has the most liberal gun-laws outside the US in the western world. It certainly have one of the highest firearms per capita in Europe. Last year there were 30 murder cases in the whole country and of those 10 were killed by firearms. Probably why there's not much debate here about stricter gun-laws.
Must be doing something right
Ours is almost entirely gangs. Criminals killing criminals. Was only 5 or 6 years ago Toronto had a murder rate of 40 or 50 per year. In a population of around 8 million. Now it’s several per week, sometimes several per day. Unfortunately it’s directly related to our immigration policies. Not being racist, but the reality is they’ve let an awful lot of criminals in , in the last 9 years.After reading this thread, I wonder if Norway has the most liberal gun-laws outside the US in the western world. It certainly has one of the highest firearms per capita in Europe. Last year there were 30 murder cases in the whole country and of those 10 were killed by firearms. Probably why there's not much debate here about stricter gun-laws.
Thank you , this post and another, answered my first question.There’s “currently “ a ban on buying and selling handguns, but you can use what you already own. Unless it’s something that was actually banned at some point. We also have a max mag capacity of 10 on handguns. Center fire semiautomatic rifle is 5 as I recall. 22 semiautomatic rifle is unlimited capacity.