Maybe a question at one of the roadshows, along the lines of “I’m interested in the detail differences between the different B-10 contracts, such as whether or not epaulets, different collar shapes and colours and different shades of shell and knit colour. Do you have any original jackets or interesting photo’s I could look at please?”....
I wonder if they have a permanent location for their original collection? Or a display at the Buzz / Toyo HQ?
All the original B-10s we have seen are not pink- knitted either so is that also no guarantee that no original pink-knit B-10s ever existed?However, the argument that all original B-10s we have seen are not rust-knitted does not guarantee that no original rust-knit B-10s ever existed (though we really think this is the case).
His name is Alan... please forgive me and him if he wants to keep it as Alan...I always wondered about those BR A-10 berry knit gloves being authentic repros.
Who was the fellow you spoke with from BR?
Met an ex BR Manager a few days ago...
“We ordered tons of berry knits” because we thought we can work out a contract with Aero reproducing one of their A-2’s with berry knits... Ken may remember the timing and conditions...
Did go sour... were not allowed to produce the Aero under Aero label...with berry knits...
So we tried alternatives... A-2 ( BR label) B-10, A-10 gloves etc...all using up our berry stock...but it was never due to an original ( no B-10 original) we tried to reproduce...” just because of the red berry stock we had...working it up...
Sorry about this.
And just how many red knits did they order on the “off chance”... of an Aero contract?! The Superior Togs B-10 and the red knit BR A-2 have been running for some years now!
Thomas, spot on about the Japanese mentality. There's so much tension between China and Japan specifically because one party still has trouble apologizing for some bad deeds done during WWII...I have to deal with Japanese almost daily and one of the toughest things for the ones I know is to do so and take responsibility in case of a failure/mistake. So far their way to deal with shortcomings was always to hide them. Well i‘m Part of building up a whole factory here in Mex with Japanese partners.