Good luck with the sale, your jacket should sell well.
Having re-read this entire lengthy thread again [twice] today I am reminded why I chose to be an observer as it developed. However, I have now decided to throw in my opinions in the ring and I'll tell you why: Having recently finished chemotherapy and even more recently received the all clear from what was initially diagnosed as a terminal illness, I have made the conscious decision to use additional time I have been blessed with I have decided to pussyfoot around less and and say it how it is more - as long as I feel what I have to say will hopefully be of benefit the recipient ...I can imagine one or two who know me will be raising an eyebrow at this![]()
So, down to brass tacks: I feel your comment above about knowing your measurements or not is really a key factor. I would respectfully point out that unless you provide a manufacturer with the correct data furnishing you with a satisfactory product is going to be a matter of luck. Having seen examples of your measuring techniques even at this late stage I am not surprised you stated yesterday that Andy is saying your measurements are wrong, while I fully appreciate the difficulties of photographing and measuring at the same time I still see room for errors even in your last batch of photos. For future reference when we say lay the garment on a flat surface and stretch both the garment and the tape that is exactly what is meant - you need to use both hands to smooth the garment to its maximum and do the same with the tape - at the same time. Do the same for the pit to pit on the front and back. The same technique should be applied to the shoulders and back length. I still see a somewhat "relaxed' garment and tape in your last images. Pedantic yes but sometimes being a pedant matters.
I also feel that when presenting a garment for appraisal while being worn it is worth making sure your shirt is pulled down and trousers hoisted up.
I would be interested to learn more regarding the comment you made last Friday - namely BK messed up the ANJ-3 twice, so they cancelled it and refunded me. Generally speaking BK have a good reputation so I am surprised that they messed up your initial order and yet further surprised and disappointed for you that the A2 they subsequently supplied has turned out to be unsatisfactory for you.
Listen, with the very, very greatest of respect, I think the only way I can see you will get something that you will be happy with is to either try on various jackets, including the potential purchase, first or get some assistance measuring up.
I am sorry to hear about your illness, but you are factually incorrect about the measurements. This is the truth:
Expected back length: 25.5 inches (24.5 inches of Dubow 42R plus 1 inch extra as per request)
Measured back length: 24.7 inches
Expected shoulder width: 18.5 inches (18 inches of Dubow 42R plus 0.5 inches as per request)
Measured shoulder width: 18 inches
Expected pit to pit: 22.5 inches (as per specs of Dubow 42R)
Measured pit to pit: 22 inches if I stretch the leather flat
Source: Andy's own information on the specs of a Dubow 42R plus the fact that I requested one inch extra length and half an inch extra width in the shoulders. Not to mention the pit to pit is smaller than it should be.
These are the facts - the jacket is not constructed as it should be. Check the measurement photos. Check my earlier post where I list the specifications provided to me by Andy.
Now, you are not entirely wrong. I have since realised that a pit to pit of 22.5 inches is still a little small for me, so yes, some learning for me. But the fact remains that the jacket is smaller than what I ordered. Do you understand now?
It sounds like you are insinuating that I am lying about Andy messing the ANJ-3 up. Here are his exact words:
Tomorrow we will ship your A-2 jacket.
We made two ANJ3s but the fist had some design problem (there were issues with the leather facings) and the second didn't pass our quality control.
We wouldn't want to make you wait any longer for a 3rd jacket so for the ANJ-3 we will refund you.
We are really very sorry about that.
We are going to sell those two jackets on ebay and when we do will let you know so if you want you may buy one at a fraction of the cost.
Send me your email address and I'll forward you his email if you don't believe me.