I've been thinking about this a lot more, looking at photos of people in their various A2s, and reading up about this stuff, and I think buying a super dark A2 would be a mistake.
The reason is, I think its violating the rules of what is smart and what is casual.
So, black is ordinarily a formal colour. Colours close to black are more formal, lighter colours are less formal. The shirt collar of an A2 makes it on the more formal side, which would make sense given its military origin and the decade in which it was designed (1931). What I mean is that, an A2 is by no means formal, but it is more formal than an MA1
So if I go for a very dark A2, its a formal colour on a "formal" garment. It limits your options. This is why I think subconsciously, it never looked right to me.
I wanted a black or very dark one because I suppose everyone wants a black leather jacket in their collection of clothing. And I can't wear a Perfecto (although I could get away with a cafe racer). But I've realised, if I want a black or very dark jacket, to get something other than an A2. If I want an A2, russet or seal.
I think I will still get an A2, and leave a black leather jacket for another day. Haven't quite decided on seal vs russet but to be honest I'm now leaning towards russet. Will think about it a bit more and look at photos.
The reason is, I think its violating the rules of what is smart and what is casual.
So, black is ordinarily a formal colour. Colours close to black are more formal, lighter colours are less formal. The shirt collar of an A2 makes it on the more formal side, which would make sense given its military origin and the decade in which it was designed (1931). What I mean is that, an A2 is by no means formal, but it is more formal than an MA1
So if I go for a very dark A2, its a formal colour on a "formal" garment. It limits your options. This is why I think subconsciously, it never looked right to me.
I wanted a black or very dark one because I suppose everyone wants a black leather jacket in their collection of clothing. And I can't wear a Perfecto (although I could get away with a cafe racer). But I've realised, if I want a black or very dark jacket, to get something other than an A2. If I want an A2, russet or seal.
I think I will still get an A2, and leave a black leather jacket for another day. Haven't quite decided on seal vs russet but to be honest I'm now leaning towards russet. Will think about it a bit more and look at photos.