Well-Known Member
majormajor1 said:Silver Dollar said:The latest Eastmans ARE just as accurate as any jacket on the market today. No better than Good Wear. But no worse.
And NO, I don't need a wardrobe full of original A2s to be able to say that.
I need two eyes, *****attention to detail*****, and the ability to make rational, reasoned comparison.
As I said right at the start of this, WHY, for some, the battle? It does look increasingly like a sales pitch.
You seem to fail to realize that you are throwing out bombs that induce battle. Claims that just don't meet the muster of many. Strictly opinion that overlooks "nit picking"... **details**..real comparison...and just settles for what is made available by the jacket company you favor..for other reasons. Then you wonder why some others get 'up in arms' about it. These same tatics have stoked more battles in the past than any. Many consider misinformation...just because a certain jacket maker is blasphemy among those who would rather put actual facts out on the forum for all to then consider.