Lord Flashheart
Well-Known Member
Mind you Jan once we've bored our readers into submission here they'll plead for anything to keep us out of mischief 
Outstanding photos.4. AN6552 [1943] “ … a better fighting garment ...”?
The quote above, and in the title of this thread, is mischievously drawn from remarks within the 1943 AAF Authority mentioned by Jan.
After the aborted experiment that was the AN-6552 AN-J-3, the Navy’s AN-6552 label was a return to form, albeit with a couple of upgrades: in order to reduce reflectivity at night and thereby increase a downed pilot’s chances of escape, the AN-6552 was furnished with blackened no. 5 zippers, where nickel had previously been the norm. Much of the blackening agent would wear off after months of use, but traces of it remain on originals. Likewise, whereas most earlier Navy jackets had been stitched using cotton thread, with the AN-6552, nylon, which was stronger, became the norm. Even here, there were exceptions: Monarch continued using cotton. Both of these changes had already appeared in the few test jackets that were produced for the AN-J-3, but it was with the AN-6552 that they made their way into issued flight jackets. Third, since this was at least technically a joint service jacket, as Moore points out, the “USN” stencil used on M-422A and later G-1 jackets is replaced with a “US” stencil [in white or yellow].
The AN-6552 began production in 1943. Contracts were awarded to five companies: American Sportswear, Bogen & Tanenbaum, Monarch, Willis & Geiger, and H&L Block.” Moore notes, that “[w]hile H&L Block made a good number of M-422A jackets, it is thought that they made very few AN-6552 jackets”; thus making the H&L Block AN-6552s amongst the rarest of an already scarce group of jackets.
There is some uncertainty about the duration of contracts bearing this label. Moore states that the AN-6552 was only issued for about 6 months. During WWII, however, the fiscal year was from 1 July to 30 June and Full Gear lists the AN-6552 contracts as starting in fiscal year 1944 and ending in 1945. This would suggest that production began sometime in the second half of 1943 and ended mid-way through 1944 or even later.
This is not the only uncertainty. As noted above in relation to AN-J-3, the War Department’s authorization for a change of status of equipment in May 1943 refers to AN-6552. The Remarks on the authority refer to a Specification AN-J-3 and a drawing AN-6552. This remark has divided opinion amongst the authors of this thread and raises a point of controversy which would need much more research than is relevant to a beginners guide. We cannot be certain that this Army Air Forces document represents the BuAero position and that AN-6552 was a BuAero drawing number. It is an intriguing possibility that some of the confusion around the relationship between AN-J-3, AN-6552 and AN-J-3A might have arisen if AN-6552 was a BuAero drawing and references to a specification and a drawing number have been used interchangeably. Without further research though it’s not possible to do more than speculate.
SPECIFICATION: AN-6552 Contract dates Comments/ [source] AN-6552 AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR CO. CONTRACT NO.N288s-28627 AN-6552 AMERICAN SPORTSWEAR CO. CONTRACT NO.N288s-24332 AN 6552-42 BOGEN & TENENBAUM CONTRACT NO. N 288s32281 AN 6552-40 BOGEN & TENENBAUM Contract No. N 288s24333 AN 6552-40 WILLIS AND GEIGER INC. CONTRACT -N288s28628 Awarded 1/43, completed 5/43? This date is open to question bearing in mind the fiscal year detail above AN 6552-38 WILLIS AND GEIGER INC. CONTRACT -N288s32357 Awarded 5/43, completed 10/43? This date is open to question bearing in mind the fiscal year detail above AN 6552 H.& L.BLOCK CONTRACT NO.N288s-20559 AN 6552 MONARCH MFG. CO. MILWAUKEE CONTRACT No.N288s-32358
Willis & Geiger AN 6552-38 Contract N288s32357, courtesy of @Jorgeenriqueaguilera
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