Cordwangler said:I was going to say something. But I've decided against...
Hi, Cordwangler,
First of all - welcome to the forum.
Second - the question probably should have been posted in the Moto Section - but really no big deal.
Third - we're not so strict that you can't bend the rules a bit - and a newbie making an incorrect post about armhole sizes in a leather moto jacket in a flight jacket section is nothing to get your knicker in a knot.
I was hoping that after it had been mentioned about a Moto section to Cordwangler that that would have been the end of it - then on to the subject and just let it run its natural course.
We're not the friggin French Foreign Legion where an order is do or die - we're a jacket forum where we pass info back and forth, create friendships and make occasional simple mistakes - and if a large mistake is made then we fall back on the mods.
But this is what is going to happen for now in this post - I'm not moving it - learn to live with it - and be cordial and helpful to a newbie poster.
Bill French