Well-Known Member
This subject comes up at least once a year which is understandable with new members wanting to ask about it.
The answers are the same though...
Original A-2 hides were chrome tanned and the method used is different to now so there are differences in drape and appearance.
It's maybe oversimplifying but it's essentially on the money, and to keep it concise...
Modern veg tanned leathers usually have a better similarity in appearance to the surface qualities of original A-2s but the drape of the leather it far, far stiffer than an original A-2 would have had when new.
Modern chrome tanned leathers often have a drape which more closely resembles the drape that an original would have had but the appearance of the leather 9 times out of 10 lacks the variance, richness and depth that the old school, old method chrome tanning produced.
So therein lies the classic trade-off - drape versus appearance of modern leather choices for an A-2.
Good post Tim, it should be pinned somewhere