Well-Known Member
I know this is going to offend some folks, but the question has been asked so I am going to say it anyway. I dont frequent or at least enjoy this forum as much as I used to simply because so many posts now bash Eastman and their products. I simply have grown weary of discussions going on an on and on about their prices, and in some cases their product. I am an Eastman fan and will remain so, although I recognize that Goodwear products might be a notch above in the opinion of many forum members and i appreciate that. But they too are expensive and you have the downside of the long wait. Point is, I am just so tired of the Eastman bashing, and in some cases the inaccurate information posted on their products to try to make a point. Here is but one example of what I am referring to,… a recent discussion on mouton collars where one frequent poster here made the comment that “none” of Eastmans jackets have mouton collars. Guys and gals, that iis just down right not accurate! So I for one would love to see a stray from all of this rant, and am slowly edging away from this forum because of it. I said my piece, and I know others will have strong opinions about this, but you asked and there it is. Don’t know if there are others that feel the same way, but I suspect at least a few. I know there was an atempt not too long ago to do a thread on bringing Eastman some love. It was meh. It resulted pretty quickly in another thread to bring Goodwear some love. Funny.