yes, sorry there are others with $5 on ebay too.
they are the correct
the other source which I cannot reveal sells military surplus and the cuffs come with the tags showing all the info
Sir, looking at the way you've chosen to communicate with people over here - I suppose you understood wrong the targets and goals of this nice forum.PM me and I will give you
Thanks John, I know about that option too. Probably will ask them later.Hmm, been out of action for a bit so just entered this fray and sorry if I missed something but Lebowski, have you actually tried contacting ELC direct? I think but not certain that they do repairs to their jackets so they might sell you a set? If you bought direct from them they prob even tell you exactly when it was and then you'd get (hopefully) exactly what you need!
lurking on this forum for 60 years? has this forum been around that long? my,my, how time flies like arrows, and fruit flies like bananas
You need to update that handle to -
Methuselah Surfer