I also feel thankful for lots of helpful info which has been posted over here in this thread. Thanks a lot gentlemen, will continue reading!Going in a little different direction ... let me say that I’ve learn a lot about knits reading everything that’s been posted here. Thanks for sharing all of the knowledge that’s its taken you guys years to accumulate.
Julius, could you please share your link to buy those original NOS G-1 cuffs from 70s for just 2$ a pair which you've mentioned above several times? Interested in that. Thanks in advance.Larry's cuffs cannot satisfy someone with high expectations (i.e. who wants accurate cuffs) for the reasons I discussed above.
Could we finally have an honor to see any link from you to those original USN cuffs from 70s for just modest 2 $ a pair, Sir? Or you're possibly "just talking about nothing" over here now?Smithy, I have been lurking in this forum for 60+ years before I joined
I believe everybody should treat each other with respect around here and not being snobbish, otherwise the chaps who probably know a lot more than I may think will be left alone looking at each other and the walls.
Do you mean these ones?I will not reveal my sources, but if you need one set you can buy them on ebay for $5
item no 202641045921