Silver Surfer
Well-Known Member
OSo true, ex
We can try, Burt. Trouble is, there’s a big wide World out there that doesn’t know we exist. We need a new kind of superhero-‘this looks like a job for Flight Jacket Scam Prevention Man!’
Must be the same guy who calls me . I’m getting calls like that on a car I sold 6 years ago.Can he pull double duty and get rid of those obnoxious robocalls warning me about my car's extended warranty? I've been getting them since before I had a car!
I may have mentioned this before, but I remember on one of the watch forums years ago, a police officer told the story of him trying to set up a unit in order to put a stop to all the obvious scams that were going on on EBay. The attempt failed because Ebay did not want to know-in fact they were downright obstructive. As long as they’re getting paid, they don’t give a monkey’s what dirty dealing goes on .