New Member
Well, I know the majority of the responses were to basically do nothing but display it, or do minimal work, but in the end I had to do what I felt was appropriate and what would make me happy in the finished framed presentation. So I did have it restored, and yes, she did replace part of one sleeve and all of the trim. But she made the jacket look like someone took at least a bit of care for it, and I am very happy with the end result. Here are photos of the framed jacket. I included an ad from a 194? magazine that my grandma had saved during the war, which has an illustration of Dad's Northrop P-61 Black Widow, along with a picture of Dad and a pic of Dad and his pilot (dad was the RO). Again, I'm extremely happy with the result and I hope no one thinks the less of me posting.php?mode=reply&f=5&t=12990# ! It is proudly displayed in my home along with his medals and his flag. Thanks again to everyone for the advice and opinions.