Lord Flashheart
Well-Known Member
Nope. This is as it comes.
Sometimes it's okay to be a nerd!
Ok, nerd alert! A simple thing you can do to upgrade your Platon Dubow (or any repro) is swap out the repro Talon puller for an original. It's easy to do with a pair of needle nose pliers and a little patience. Told ya I was a nerd.
View attachment 41291
Not sure these are the correct ones.Anybody got a puller/slider that I could use for a BR Superior Togs B-10.... Conmatic (Conmar)??
Thx a lot yes!#5 or No. 5 rings a bell.... Zipper is fine. Just the puller on the slider comes off... I just use fingers above and below the puller...
Thanks for the pic... The style matches.
Are these yours?
What is the length?
How much for a complete zipper?