better duck
Well-Known Member
C.J. said:Six months would drive me right up the wallskkochheiser said:Patience is a virtue...
Yes, I used to be like that, untill I realised that very often afterwards, the time spent waiting seems like no time at all. In the meantime, just look away from the thing / event you are waiting for, and time flies again.
Wise words? well maybe, it took me some 45 years to come to grips with impatience!
And I need it and practice it every day now, as it was almost 4 months ago beginning of September that I ordered my GW Dubow in goat. To show you how patient I am these days: when, after I'd asked about an estimated date of arrival, John apologised profusely, I answered him: "hey, take your time, a month more or less doesn't make any difference!" How's that for reaching a higher state of detachment from wordly things??