Active Member
Sounds like its definitely worth a buy on Tuesday!
TOMG1401 said:How ironic that after all these years trying to find the right horsehide that had "The Look" of wartime jackets it turns out repro makers never really captured the look because they were mostly cow and not horse.
Roughwear said:Air Corps specifications 12028 ( 17 July 1940) and 12028-A (7th November 1940) are for the use of cow hide in the production of A2s. So the official date for the standardisation for Cowhide was 17th July 1940, although Werber had used it on the their 1939 contract A2. As Gary says "Potentially, any A-2 contract from then on( 17th July 1940) could have been made from this hide type-incredibly this encompasses 93% of all A-2 production."
Marv said:Well now at least my ELC Pearl Harbor A2 in steerhide is authentic![]()
While the official specification called for horsehide, and while most jackets probably were so made, there was a notable fraction of A-2's made of goatskin and perhaps other hides such as steer.
PLATON said:While the official specification called for horsehide, and while most jackets probably were so made, there was a notable fraction of A-2's made of goatskin and perhaps other hides such as steer.
Steer is old news really. Remind you above from Marc D. Weinshenker's website.
Roughwear said:...even some tanneries passed off cow as horsehide to maintain their profits.
PLATON said:Despite the historical accuracy of the steerhide, I do not foresee any change in the preference of the fans for horsehide.
Roughwear said:"on account of the great quantity of cows in this country, cowhide leather can be turned out in quantities and all of the leather will be uniform in weight and quality."
Roughwear said:...giving it a combination of superior qualities, such as good resistance to absorbency and abrasion.