Thomas Koehle
Well-Known Member
Hi Mr B. Willbnks. Just wanted to say thank you for your service.
Cool approach Ken
Hi Mr B. Willbnks. Just wanted to say thank you for your service.
B.WillbnksI wanted to advise the VLJ members here that Shawn of Five Star has sent me a email to re-make me another G-1 Spec. 55J14 size 46. I would think any other jacket maker wouldn't have done so. That is very nice of Shawn to solve the jacket I received with the odor. Shows he is serious about what he makes and any complaints that arise. He has assured me the replacement will not have any odor.
The one he sent still has the odor after 9 days hanging outside and in a garage. Also, I don't know if that will ever leave. It is a beautiful jacket... correct Reddish brown goatskin, and great grain. Besides, it fit just perfect for a size 46. For those members here and any future ones, I think you can thrust Five Star to make a good flight jacket and back up their work.
Best post of the week!B.Willbnks
Like most here I’ve followed your posts on this jacket since the beginning. What I’ve gotten from all of them is, that you have tried just about everything to rid this jacket of it’s horrible odor with no success . If you finally reached the point of being done with the jacket and you are not under obligation to return it to Shawn, don’t destroy it, or throw it away. There are several of us here who will gladly step up and take a crack at removing the odor from the jacket and making it one of our everyday wearers. I for one will step up and give it a try and Im sure others here would be willing to make the same offer. So consider this as a possible option, if you are done with any further attempts to salvage the jacket. Simply hold a lottery of all the volunteers so the process is fair to all.
B-Man 2
No!, I was not a AD-4W pilot. I was a radioman/radar tech. Yes!, they were called the Able Dogs. aka "the guppy"Best post of the week!
Got you, nice photo, don't see too many of the guys in the back. Did the USN use the term Bear or was that exclusively as USAF term ?
Like most here I’ve followed your posts on this jacket since the beginning. What I’ve gotten from all of them is, that you have tried just about everything to rid this jacket of it’s horrible odor with no success . If you finally reached the point of being done with the jacket and you are not under obligation to return it to Shawn, don’t destroy it, or throw it away. There are several of us here who will gladly step up and take a crack at removing the odor from the jacket and making it one of our everyday wearers. I for one will step up and give it a try and Im sure others here would be willing to make the same offer. So consider this as a possible option, if you are done with any further attempts to salvage the jacket. Simply hold a lottery of all the volunteers so the process is fair to all.
B-Man 2
Got you, nice photo, don't see too many of the guys in the back. Did the USN use the term Bear or was that exclusively as USAF term ?
There wasn't no such term used in reference to the enemy. When a
I'm not sure the jacket (package) will get by the USPS inspectors or UPS package police due to it odor that I'm positive will radiate from within. They might think I'm shipping some bad chemicals, etc. I hear that Homeland Security now had look0out for such packages.
If you have a secret solution, you might consider sharing it.
You really lost me there partner. Let me see if I understand what your telling me ;
Your saying that a package containing a jacket that had an obnoxious odor, .......which was shipped from Pakistan,..... a country already on the US watch list,........ which was detained at entry into the US, Homeland Security....... at a foreign mail US impound center..... until it could be screened , cleared and released for delivery to US Postal Authorities......... which then went all the way through the US Postal System ....completely unchallenged ...........might now be stopped in a domestic Postal shipment and seized by authorities and you could be what.....investigated?
That’s a bit of a reach for me brother, but that doesn’t really matter because it’s your jacket and you certainly have the right to do anything you please with it, including set it a blaze if you like .
As far as what would I do to address the problem, I would wait for a warm sunny day, I would zip up the jacket and put it on a hanger, then I would take a plastic bag and cover the fake mouton collar with the bag and tape it so that it wouldn’t get wet. Then I would hang the jacket outside and take a garden hose and blast it with the jet setting. Starting at the base of the collar I would carefully work my way down the jacket hosing down jacket and knits. I would wipe the excess fluid off the jacket and hang in in the garage letting it dry slowly. Once the outside is dry I would take some Fabreze a commercially available odor killer and spray the linning, the knits and the fake mouton collar of the jacket. Then let it all dry. I would do this repeadly until the odor was gone.
Others may have a different suggestion but that’s mine.
Good Luck with it.
B-Mn2 wrote this is above posting...
don’t destroy it, or throw it away. There are several of us here who will gladly step up and take a crack at removing the odor from the jacket and making it one of our everyday wearers. I for one will step up and give it a try and Im sure others here would be willing to make the same offer. So consider this as a possible option, if you are done with any further attempts to salvage the jacket. Simply hold a lottery of all the volunteers so the process is fair to all.
B-Man 2
Five Star shipped the jacket (package) by DHL Express to the United States. It was excepted by Customs in New York, cleared and DHL delivered it to Tulsa, a DHL delivery truck brought it to my home.
My reply was based on what "could happen" if I mailed or shipped the package and the delivery carrier notice the odor coming from the carton. If any....
I would hope you understand what you have written, and that what my reply was regarding sending the jacket to you or who-ever won the lottery you suggested to remove the odor
It would be foolish to take your suggestion to wash it down with a pressure water hose, or think that running it in a washing machine might remove the odor. By the way, the jacket as a mouton fur collar...NO FAKE.
Also, I don't consider Febreze a leather cleaner, it just masks the odor. I would prefer a professional cleaner that has a record on cleaning leather jackets.
BTW> I have done the sunshine bit, and cleaning it with Dawn soap liquid and White Vinegar, plus the poly bag and backing soda.
G1 / M422 which I received last week from Shawn and his guys
no odors - no bad smell - I'm really satisfied with their job
only - really only down"thing" is they did not use the contrast thread I was asking for but finally I think I like it more in the way I got it anyway
100% thumbs up for 5*
Nice - just don’t know if I should like the collar. Looks a little strange to me.
imho, I think the collar is shaped like an M422, not a G1, Earloffunk.