Can someone post a link to Platon's site?
Can someone post a link to Platon's site?
Yes. And i quote “better buy now before the price increase next year”.Another price increase??
That’s crazy ..... !!
Better off buying ELCs used in good condition and already broken in.
If only i knew before...The 1940 Irvin went from £849 to £1199, I think the A-2s went up by similar margins.
N.B: Must remember to leave my credit card at home.
Just doing a bit of math. ELC sold for approx. 10.000,— Euro during the past few Pop-up days...and this only to members here ( according to all posts) the others...I doubt that ELC, will be in trouble after another price increase.Buy them now? Like every item on the planet they go up. Then put them under the bed. Or buy two, wear one and keep one. You're never going to lose.
Why has GW not raised prices? Possibly due to reduced demand. The hide costs would be going up. Only the labiur cam absorb the increases I think we have seen one new GW on the forum this year. They used to pop up all the time five years ago. Erhaps JC still factors his passion into the price.
Diamond suffered a reduction in demand and we saw the recent posts outling a decline in sales. We see more of Dave on the forum these days.
And by raising the price it makes the item more 'aspirational'.
Here you go, sir: