Did you opt out of the facing (stitching), seen on both sides of the front buttons of the Mr. Freedom iteration, when you put in your order for a bespoke cossack?
Had two from Levis one goatskin one cow hide, but the unlined goat version was odd to wear.
I was the one who found the jacket the Aero Marine is based on over 15 years ago so have a long term love of them.
My favourite with out doubt would be a Thedi version. Theo is imo just the best when it comes to choosing colour and skins. His patination just puts all others in the shade.
Definitely on my list.
While the cut of the jacket is pretty cool, I like the slash pockets on Mr. Propers black jacket pictured above a little better than the traditional pockets on the vintage look Cossack. I realize it’s just a matter of personal preference but I think it give the jacket a sleeker more fitted look.Its a cool jacket either way.