Well-Known Member
vasiline is just about all that ya need if ya want to soften the feel. if it soaks in fast, give it another rub in.
Did somebody say rub?
vasiline is just about all that ya need if ya want to soften the feel. if it soaks in fast, give it another rub in.
reweaving is buco expensive. doing some home darning aint. a once over on the hides with vasiline is just about all that ya need if ya want to soften the feel. if it soaks in fast, give it another rub in.
I’m a little reluctant to do anything so extreme as giving it a bath - I just start counting the ways I could mess that up and I shudder.I’ve put it in a plastic bag and stuck it in the freezer though, as that seems like a good precaution that I can’t really mess up.
Hmm..Flightengineer, do you know anything about how she does it? Like is it a special machine, a particular technique? I’d love to chase down someone who could do this, because I’d really like to keep the original knits.
freezer quarantine? wtf? any nicks in the hides are from when the donor animal was alive. many modern, and assume, back in the day tanneries tried and try to hide these "blemishes". eventually they reveal themselves. moths are long gone also.
Putting a WWII original A2 in a freezer was perhaps the worst thing you could have done to this. You would have frozen any moisture still present within the cell structures of the hide. Good luck with it now.
Thx...not at all...just a few years older than you...with a bit of try and errors behind...You are just a balls to the wall kind of guy though. Ha.