les_garten said:M-422/G-1 without a doubt, not even close...
The A-2's have uncomfortable high tight armholes and the cut is like a box. Arms are tight.
My experience, a lot of A-2's are heavier(from the Leather itself), not by much though. The Mouton sometimes throws that off.
The Bi swing back, and all those panels, just makes a comfortable jacket, except Aero M-422a's. Something very wrong with them.
Goat is more comfortable than Horse or Cow IMO. Especially Good Goat. You can get an A-2 in Goat of course, but you still have that cut to deal with. This is a generalization of course.
Most Comfortable Jacket I have is Airphrog's hand me down LW G-1, followed by a G&B M-422a.
I have a stable of A-2's, I like the look, hate the feel of wearing them. Getting rid of a lot of them because they're just not comfortable to wear, for me at least. I've only had one ill-tempered NAVY pattern, and I divested myself of it.
I occasionally Trash LW jackets from time to time, but the Goat on my G-1 from them is superb to wear. I don't see myself letting it go anytime soon.
Dr H said:M-422A for comfort...A-2 for cool, but A-1 for looks ;-)
Andrew said:As Jeff said, A-2 all the way.
Cmon Les, definitely a bi-swing :lol:les_garten said:Andrew said:As Jeff said, A-2 all the way.
I think you're gettin' your A-2's from a different supplier than I am...
They do look comfy though!