Ken at Aero Leather
Well-Known Member
i concur regarding the gs a-2 length. as early a-2s tended to be slightly longer, and often narrower then war time a-2s, it would seem to me that the proto goldsmith a-2 would have set into motion those design elements. from the many pix that have been in this on going thread, it looks to me that the sleeves were rotated and inset. naturally, this would have some bearing on how the shoulder seams, epaulets, and back would be constructed. prob: no pix of the backs of the gs a-2s. though not mentioned in the threads is a design element that i would assume to be part of the gs build, based on other early a-2s. and, that is that the zipper would most likely have been jetted on both interior sides. again, prob: no pix to confirm.
Based on the (admittedly scant) photographic evidence and my not inconsequential experience of garment construction I disagree that the sleeves would have been rotated. Given the two options, construction detailling around the head of the Goldsmith sleeve would suggest otherwise but that's very technical, more obvious to the layman is the pic showing Hap's armpit which shows a faint seam edge that some have (IMO) mistaken for the undersleeve seam, after much study I'm convinced the edge/seam is the edge of the armhole seam curve, not the sleeve seam. Years of pattern cutting have lead me to this conclusion.
As Aero make ten times as many rotated sleeve designs than we make flat sleeve jackets it would have been more obvious and easier for us to have gone down that route
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