In December 2021 Phil, Wei and I posted “A Better Fighting Garment…” - A Beginner’s Guide to the US Navy’s WWII-era and later Intermediate Flight Jackets. We were looking to fill what we perceived as a gap in the knowledge base on the forum and the original thread was written as a “Beginners Guide.” With more updates, version 2.0 became the “Revised Guide”, and now, with a much updated version 3.0, it becomes simply “The Guide”. We were very grateful for the help of a number of Forum members and others in developing the content.
Since our Beginners Guide was first posted the thread has inspired discussion on all manner of points associated with these Navy jackets. In version 3.0 we moved away from sources, such as conventional reference books, and focused on using the underlying, verifiable evidence, such as the original government specifications, and records of the contracts. The purpose of this shift was to remove any speculation or, at a minimum, expressly identify where it may exist rather than repeat stories that may be unfounded. This somewhat reduces what we can say, but emerging documents from various government archives have shifted our narrative and exposed failings in the conventional reference books that are used in this hobby. Simply put, there is no reliable reference work on the 85-year history of what we now call the G-1 jacket.
We have made the decision to retain the 1.0 thread, unaltered, as a Discussion thread, along with version 2.0, although the text has been grayed out to avoid confusion. Whilst this may appear confusing we have concluded that this preserves the transparency of the information as it emerged.
We encourage the use of the discussion thread as the place for commentary and feedback so that this sticky can remain tightly focused and readily searchable.
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