Jeremiah, Rough Wear A-2s are known to have a more relaxed fit around the midriff. Other makers like Werber for example cut their jackets for a more athletic build. If you get onto the Good Wear website, Mr Chapman does an excellent job of describing the fit of all the different contracts he makes. This gorgeous Dubow that you are trying to flog is one of the sweetest looking jackets shown on this forum, and it fits you very well. If you went to a smaller size, you will end up kicking yourself in the butt for doing so. You are your own worst critic Jeremiah. Take it off the sale page and wear it man.
Very cool pictures of the bike and you rockin the A2. Who’s riding the side car with you?
THX for th epositive feedback - the guy in my sidecar is my buddy Herbert from Collogne who just came over to China back then for the trip