les_garten said:I may do this too. Does anyone knwo where I can get 40 Manikins cheap!
Imagine ... it would be like having the Chinese Army living in the closet.
les_garten said:I may do this too. Does anyone knwo where I can get 40 Manikins cheap!
Paden said:https://www.original-fliegerjacken.de/de/zubehoer_buegel.php
les_garten said:You guys are abusing these Jackets!! Mine get rolled up and are used as Pillows, hang on hooks, and hung on "Vintage" period correct wood hangers!! My hangers are from the 40's!! My jackets don't know it ain't 1942 and that's how they like it.
You guys hang your Jackets on manikins, or Fancy Italian Sculpted PolyVinyl Chloride, or Scandinavian blond wood sculpted hangers are spoiling them. The next thing you know, you get caught in a rain sprinkle and your jacket will hire a Lawyer just like all these kids do now a days!!