Well-Known Member
Lol ! thanks for the understanding !! , the other makers ?? that could be like asking "how long is a piece of string " its something im still working on in between the USN contracts for the N1 and other jackets .Carl, I appreciate that you are sensitive in publishing contract information given your past experience but what other manufacturers of B3's didn't put their name on the label. I do have a contract list that I found online for B3's 1941-43. I can't remember where it came from-it might have been from here. I'm reluctant to post it as it wasn't mine in the first place.
I do have a definative list so far of B3's that can positivley cross referenced against makers and contract numbers and its not that many makers actually ! i think i have found 5 makers that can be be positivley known from 1941 onwards, anything prevous to that is shear speculation unless an example has been seen and details taken . I do have a bit of a theory regarding some of them . But somebody at the time deemed it not water tight enough to be accurate .