Well-Known Member
airfrogusmc said:Cobblers, they usually get about 5 months no washy when they're still raw. I wish the 333s would have been raw. The only two the weren't raw when new are the 333s and the 209 covealls.
I've a pair of 44's raw, I usually do an initial shrink then wear and wash as little as possible but the fading is nothing like yours. Gonna try and wear them raw for a while (Currently clown size!) not sure can make 5 months though! Got some 33's on their way, the jurys out on whether they can be worn raw, they're huge.
All I can say is you've a lot a patience, but clearly that patience pays dividends.
You tried Samurais? I gave a few pairs a go and while the denims great and the cut is excellent, well, they're just not Levis and they don't have that authenticity.