For me personally, shearlings are like gorgeous film actresses: GREAT on the eyes but too high maintenance and impractical for everyday use . I had an Irvin or two but wearing one to the pub meant I spent the whole evening keeping and eye on the jacket in case somebody tried to nick it. The B-3 I had I couldn't move my arms in. WAY too heavy too IMVHO.
The reality too, of course, is that as soon as clothing technology moved forward, the military stopped using the heavy, cumbersome shearlings. They did that for several very good reasons.
Some things just look better from afar.
(In the interests of being politically correct and not wishing to upset anybody, I have to say that the author's opinions are his alone and not meant to be disrespectful to other forum members or the United States of America or said to 'wind-up' members with a track history of being short-fused :lol: )
The reality too, of course, is that as soon as clothing technology moved forward, the military stopped using the heavy, cumbersome shearlings. They did that for several very good reasons.
Some things just look better from afar.
(In the interests of being politically correct and not wishing to upset anybody, I have to say that the author's opinions are his alone and not meant to be disrespectful to other forum members or the United States of America or said to 'wind-up' members with a track history of being short-fused :lol: )