Roughwear said:I particularly love the added autenticity of some paint on the right shoulder of the Werber! Beautiful jackets BTW.
Roughwear said:The batch of hh used to build the Werber appears to be particularly close to pre-War hh. Am I correct in thinking it is veg tanned aniline dyed and no longer available for making GW A2s?
ButteMT61 said:Love the mouton after it lightens up! Seems John is using new/different hides now based on the website.
All are looking great. 767fo posted some of his 422 and it's lovely - very grainy and beautiful like Andrew's Monarch A2.
Nobody can have just one... :lol:
Dom said:Allen,
That Werber looks awesome!
ScottoLaw said:Hey airfrog,
Both jackets looks great. I tried on a GW monarch A-2 to test fit prior to my DuBow order. I posted a few pics of it way back. It was a really nice pattern and the russet color was sweet. Your Werber is aging nicely. CH-46 "Frog" a total warrior workhorse? Always a nail biter when I went up in them LOL.
ScottoLaw said:LOL. 53's are a beast for sure. I liked the leaky hydraulic fluid of a 46 much better Cobras are nice too LOL. That must have been a cool ride?