John Lever
Re: how good are bill kelso campared to GW Eastman real mcco
Nice one :lol:PLATON said:we'll rectify when we release the Irvin
Nice one :lol:PLATON said:we'll rectify when we release the Irvin
Yes but we refined and perfected it. Especially as you get further west in the US, you find PERFECT English with no accents what so ever.It is known as Standard English,and we invented it.....just thought as a European, you might think it more appropriate to use The Mother Tongue
PLATON said:If I understand correctly stanier will provide the BK for the comparison review, but who is providing the ELC and GW, and who will make the review?
Anther was of approaching this is simply to compare the BK jacket with an original RW 27752. After all some potential purchasers of a BK RW might want to know how accurate the jacket they are buying actually is.
John Lever said:just thought as a European, you might think it more appropriate to use The Mother Tongue.
PLATON said:Another way of approaching this is simply to compare the BK jacket with an original RW 27752. After all some potential purchasers of a BK RW might want to know how accurate the jacket they are buying actually is.
Hi Andrew,
I don't think this is a good idea, because I bet my original RW is different than yours in many of the details.
That would be a good idea if the makers were called to make a faithful copy of the exact same original jacket.
Then only we would be able to see who does it better.
But I don't think the quality of the reproduction can be measured in terms of whether the pocket is 6.5 x 6 while it should be 6.25 x 6 for example.
PaulGT3 said:John wrote:
Yes but we refined and perfected it. Especially as you get further west in the US, you find PERFECT English with no accents what so ever.It is known as Standard English,and we invented it.....just thought as a European, you might think it more appropriate to use The Mother Tongue
You English have had it so long, its devolved into Scottish, Irish and the Cockney dialects. I have to admit tho, that there are some in England
that speak the Queens English and I can understand it with no problem.
And Yes I was kidding!!
Dont tell anyone but I love all the English accents, Aussie Irish, Scottish, South African, all of them!!
PLATON said:Hi Van,
My relationship with BK was been stated here and there but agree over the years got confusing.
I will write the full background story to give the clear picture.
Someone asked to show photos of the crew and the workshop to let the people know who we are.
Will do that as well.
Quite Aggressive? As always... eloquently understated!Some see the marketing as quite aggressive
As the man said ' less is more'PaulGT3 said:John Wrote:
Quite Aggressive? As always... eloquently understated!Some see the marketing as quite aggressive