Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity why did you want to re-dye it, just unhappy with colour as was? Must admit Ive only had/have russet A2’s but do really like a seal berry combo - always missed out though when they've popped up from time to time. GW had a stunner on sale a couple of years back and reasonably priced too that I was gutted about missing, another one that got away!!
Not had a 5 Star and always thought their leathers a bit ‘caramel’ coloured from pics but would you have attempted a re-dye on say a GW? Liking the reddish undertones must say!!
It was basically a question of the color. While I was not totally unhappy with it, the overall impression was a little boring. Very even, slightly dull, with a purple-ish hue to it.
The jacket being a FS, I thought there was more to gain than to lose by redyeing it. Had it been a GW, I would have probably been more reluctant to work on it. If it was a perfectly fitting GW, then yes. Otherwise (with color and fitting issues) it's probably more clever to sell it.
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