Silver Surfer
Well-Known Member
once in a while we get lucky and score a jac for silly money. but, more times then not [and more so now that anyone has access to to price guides and the www], we have to pony up if we want the really good gear. experienced collectors know this and newer collectors are catching up. ya want the best? better be willing to go the distance, period. for those that opt not to go the distance, there will always be those jacs with leather issues blown out zippers stitch holes from patches, redyes, etc that are affordable and maybe wearers. personally, i would rather cough up big coin for a top of the line jac then buying a coupla mid so so grade jacs. i reckon that the dubow in question is a 9 outta 10 [10 being unissued], so, 2k+ is not at all outta line. sheet, in four years or so, you wont be able to touch an a-2 in that condition for less then 3+k.