Since asking for advise on prices for my jackets I've started to have a look on the net to see if I can find anything for sale . I found a site yesterday selling original stuff for massive money 2k-4K for a2 with art work on them survivors sort of speak . Trouble is I can't remember the site but anyway . I do know some original jackets with art work survived . But I did have to laugh to myself . Back in the 80s I new someone who was very good at art and used find original a2 s paint them up age them and move them on . And there out there somewhere. Anyway one time he did get caught out . He found a very rare picture of a jacket and artwork trouble was it was in black and white so had to guess the back ground colour on the chest patch . He guessed a blue if I remember rightly . Anyway put it up for sale as original . Along came a chap who new his onions loved the jacket which was war time but said the patch is fake should be purple background . He obviously had a colour photo from somewhere new his stuff though . I wonder how much fake stuff is out there . Bit like the fine art world . Then I came across the Eastman site classifieds there are second hand jackets advertised as reissues lol (repros) what they used to be known as for 7-8-900 pounds .years ago if it wasn't original war time it was classed as second best . The only reason you bought an Eastman was because it was very difficult to find anything over a size 40 so you had to go Eastman for a big jacket . But I Rember my mates saying yeah he's got a nice jacket but it's repro eastman . How times have changed . And the price is eye watering for a repro . But good look to who ever is selling them we all want as much as we can get at the end of the day . Just my ten penuth.