Well-Known Member
There has been an erroneous belief that Willis & Geiger had an original A-2 contract. Willis & Geiger Outfitters said they were awarded a 1931 U.S. Navy Air Corps contract for an “A-2” flight jacket, but they probably confused it with a Navy G-1 type versus the U.S. Army Air Corp type A-2. (The only A-2 contract from 1931 has been indisputably documented as the twenty-five jacket 31-1897 Goldsmith order, per the declassified 94-3040 A-2 specification documents.) There may be another source of the confusion too … When reading “Hell-Bent for Leather” by D. Nelson and D. Parsons on page 63 they state “The A-2 was a particular favorite of General MacArthur, who acquired several A-2’s, one of which was custom-made by Willis & Geiger [I add the italics]”. So they made one (1). Probably not for sale.