Just purchased this RE G-1 ... SA:US:1123
Can anyone put a date to the contract?...65?
Sean K
Can anyone put a date to the contract?...65?
Sean K
bjoy said:Yeah, it's a '66.
Here's a link to the same jacket in a different size on Roger Moore's site:
delta102uk said:bjoy said:Yeah, it's a '66.
Here's a link to the same jacket in a different size on Roger Moore's site:
......Many thanks, i've had a quite a few G-1's thru my hands over the years but only one other Ralph Edwards and it was a recent E model. I've read many reviews regarding who makes the best G-1 and 60's RE always seems to be up there at the top....hope this jacket lives up to all the hype!
Sean K
dilbert said:You've got a great jacket- congratulations!
Keep in mind this jacket, Contract Number DSA-1-9366, may have been manufactured earlier than issued. I have the very same jacket, same contract number, issued to me in Pensacola in September of 1967 when I started flight training, which could be a couple of years after the date it was made. As far as quality and comfort, mine is still in excellent condition after years of wear and they are very well made. I've never worn a more comfortable jacket.
Actual issuance was something to behold. As a class we were sent to Flight Gear Issue and a yeoman behind a desk looked you up and down, then bundled your jacket, boots, helmet, flight suits (2), gloves, etc. and handed them to you in a large pile. Amazingly they all fit- the guy had a really good eye for sizes and I don't recall him asking a single question as he went about his work.