With the publication of Gary Eastman's book on the A2 we know the size of most A2 contracts. However as far as I know we do not know the size of M422A naval contracts. You see quite a fair number of G&F jackets come up for sale compared with the other M422A contracts suggesting it was a relatively large contract, but how large? The fact that naval jackets were all made of goatskin which tends to last in better shape than A2s made from horse hide and cow hide is a key reason why proportionally more have survived today. However there were far fewer naval flyers than USAAF ones, so I guess the size of the contracts was generally much smaller than those for A2s. Does anyone have any data of the size of M422A contracts or of any other naval flying jacket contracts? I presume the contract information is available in the US archives as it is for A2s.